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This TODO list is out of date!
This list is not accurate. Instead, checkout the TODO list on the dev
branch here, which is updated as development progresses. This file here on the master
branch is here to show what progress is being/has been made at the time of each release.
These are issues in Wiimmfi Watcher I am at least aware of. Please DO NOT submit a bug report on the Google Form or an issue here on GitHub if it is mentioned on this list, unless you found a way that the bug can crash the app.
Completed For Release 1.1.3
- Added language translations for Korean, Portuguese and Spanish.
- Fixed a bug where the error message that appears does not disappear when clicking on a recent friend code.
- Added a new dialog between searching for a friend code and the watcher screen.
- Fixed a bug where the internal Java error on the watcher screen wouldn't show after pressing the refresh button at least once.
- Fixed a bug where the final button of the recent friend codes wouldn't show if it reached past the bottom of the screen, especially with devices that have the software navigation bar.
- Fixed a bug in the English version of the app where the "License" portion of the about page was not formatted correctly.
Working On
- Create a better looking header for the watcher activity
- Add 'sections' I guess???
- Adding the option to toggle dark mode manually so older devices can have that privledge as well
Aware Of
- The about page causes part of the screen to get cut off as the animation plays (only if there are not a lot of recent friend codes present)
- The navigation menu in Dark Mode is messed up
- The selected player detail text and icon is black
- The highlight color is barely visible
- Pressing the watch or refresh buttons cause the app to hang until refreshing is completed.
- Working with threads should fix this
- Adding a dialog helps make it look like the app is working for now
Features I would like to add
- The watcher activity does not refresh automatically like the official website does
- Added a refresh button, but is there a better way with Jsoup? Like a new Thread?
- Add the Mario Kart Wii font
- I'll have to see if I can pull it from the Wiimmfi website somehow
- Add pictures for Nintendo and CTGP tracks
- Google's policies might prevent this...
- The ability to save friend codes and name them, not just save recent friend codes
- Create a more feature rich settings and about page
- manual dark mode toggles, clear recent codes button, etc.
- Add the ability to search for a Mii name instead of a friend code
- Show statistics for other games