This list is not accurate. Instead, checkout the TODO list on the `dev` branch [here,]( which is updated as development progresses. This file here on the `master` branch is here to show what progress is being/has been made at the time of each release.
These are issues in Wiimmfi Watcher I am at least aware of. Please **DO NOT** submit a bug report on the Google Form or an issue here on GitHub if it is mentioned on this list, unless you found a way that the bug can crash the app.
* Added language translations for Korean, Portuguese and Spanish.
* Fixed a bug where the error message that appears does not disappear when clicking on a recent friend code.
* Added a new dialog between searching for a friend code and the watcher screen.
* Fixed a bug where the internal Java error on the watcher screen wouldn't show after pressing the refresh button at least once.
* Fixed a bug where the final button of the recent friend codes wouldn't show if it reached past the bottom of the screen, especially with devices that have the software navigation bar.
* Fixed a bug in the English version of the app where the "License" portion of the about page was not formatted correctly.