path: root/content/projects
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authorBryson Steck <brysonsteck@protonmail.com>2022-12-02 11:18:01 -0700
committerBryson Steck <brysonsteck@protonmail.com>2022-12-02 11:18:01 -0700
commit4cd9efaf56b61e86782e13a5b15411b679b5c259 (patch)
tree111936f9ad7c638f0e18998418ef3d6c1b399693 /content/projects
parent322d497071eee901e4ea84956eda0afab23ba225 (diff)
added website content
Diffstat (limited to 'content/projects')
3 files changed, 112 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/content/projects/resurrection.md b/content/projects/resurrection.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e12c03
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+++ b/content/projects/resurrection.md
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+title: "Resurrection"
+date: 2022-12-02T11:10:50-07:00
+draft: true
+Resurrection is a Spigot/Bukkit Minecraft Server plugin that forces players to wait a certain amount of time before rejoining the world. This allows for tactical planning for games such as faction survival and other PvP gamemodes as it can severely penalize an entire team if care is not taken.
+Resurrection is intended to make players wait long amounts of time between death and respawn, preferably 24 hours minimum. Resurrection sets the time to be 24 hours by default. However, you can make players to wait any amount of time you wish, whether shorter or longer than the default 24 hours, but your experience with this plugin may be impacted.
+## Compatibility
+Tested Minecraft Versions: 1.8<sup>*</sup>, 1.9, 1.10, 1.12, 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, 1.16, 1.17, 1.18
+Native Version: 1.16
+Resurrection is only confirmed to run on vanilla Spigot or Bukkit servers, meaning you built the server yourself using `BuildTools` with no extra settings, or downloaded it from official sources such as their website. Resurrection is **NOT GUARANTEED** to run on **ANY** fork of Spigot/Bukkit servers, such as Tuinity or Paper. Issues reported involving these forks may not be provided a solution unless proven that the issue still happens on vanilla versions.
+<sup>*</sup>For Minecraft Servers version 1.8, you must download a special build of Resurrection in order for the plugin to work properly.
+## Commands
+* `/about`
+ * Displays information about the plugin, including links to download, and also warns the command-runner if the plugin is outdated.
+* `/bug`
+ * Displays contact information in case a bug occurs, such as links to the GitHub issues page and the Google Form.
+* `/dead`
+ * Displays all the players currently awaiting resurrection and how long they have left.
+* `/howlong [PLAYER]`
+ * Shows the player how long they (or the specified player) have until they are resurrected.
+ * This command requires a player to be specified when ran from the console.
+* `/resurrect PLAYER`
+ * Manually resurrects a player if they are dead.
+ * Operator-only command.
+* `/source`
+ * Informs the user that this plugin is free and open source under the [GNU Affero General Public License Version 3.](https://github.com/brysonsteck/resurrection/blob/master/LICENSE)
+### More Information
+To find more information about Resurrection, including how to submit bugs or learn what files the plugin auto-creates, you can either visit the [Github repository](https://github.com/brysonsteck/resurrection), which contains all the source code, released .Jar files and the home for all bug reports, or by visiting the [Spigot](https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/resurrection.94542/) and [Bukkit](https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/resurrection-official) resource pages where you can mainly leave reviews and easily see version history.
+Resurrection, it's source code and it's Jar files are licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License. You can read the full license and copyright notice on the Github repository [here](https://github.com/brysonsteck/resurrection/blob/master/LICENSE).
+Resurrection currently has 400+ confirmed downloads across Github, Spigot and Bukkit since the first beta released in July 2021 and currently has a 5 star rating on Spigot!
diff --git a/content/projects/uirc.md b/content/projects/uirc.md
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+++ b/content/projects/uirc.md
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+title: "uirc"
+date: 2022-12-02T11:11:03-07:00
+draft: true
+It's exactly what it sounds like. It takes an image as an argument in the form of a file on the local file system or a link to an image on a web server, and returns the ratio of the image. That's literally it.
+Perhaps I can give you some visual representation. Let's say you have an image of a neat little [background of an unrealistically oversaturated landscape](https://brysonsteck.xyz/files/sunset.jpg) and want to make sure it fully fits in your 16:9 monitor:
+$ uirc unrealistically-oversaturated-landscape.png
+unrealistically-oversaturated-landscape.png > 16:9
+Neat! What about images that don't really play nice? Take this lovely image of [Peter Griffin](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/c2/Peter_Griffin.png). Let's throw him into uirc:
+$ uirc peter.jpg
+peter.jpg > 1:1.45 (uneven)
+Good to know! I can also give the `-r` flag to display the resolution if I so incline, or even find out the ratio of both images:
+$ uirc -r peter.jpg unrealistically-oversaturated-landscape.png
+peter.jpg > 1:1.45 (uneven) [247x359]
+unrealistically-oversaturated-landscape.png > 16:9 [1920x1080]
+What if I don't want my wife to find a photo of Peter Griffin on my laptop? Well, you can use a link instead::
+$ uirc https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/c2/Peter_Griffin.png
+downloading "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/c2/Peter_Griffin.png"...ok
+Peter_Griffin.png > 1:1.45 (uneven)
+There's also a help menu with the `-h` flag if you really need it.
+##Why does this exist?
+The reason UIRC exists is actually the combination of two events:
+1. I've recently started learning more and more about the C programming language, it's history, and how nice and flirty it gets with the actual machine (maybe even making your relationship more serious if you're a psychopath). It runs my OS (Linux) and my window manager (dwm). I use it every day, and it makes me want to learn more and what it can do. Ever since I've been looking for an excuse to make a C program of my own.
+2. I was working at my on-campus job when I needed to know the ratio of an image. Being too lazy to do the math with the image's resolution and oddly hesitant to use a web tool (which I did eventually use), I switched to my terminal quickly to find the file I needed to see what the resolution was, and badda bing badda boom.
+Born was my idea. I found an excuse to learn and code in C for an issue that is over-saturated with solutions everywhere.
+##Why should I use this?
+Or you could I guess, I won't stop you. There's just *way* more convenient (and possibly easier for the command-line-illiterate) ways to find the ratio of an image. This is just an idea that I had and the excuse to get me learning how to program in C.
+##I've made my decision. How do I install?
+Ah, the UNIX community. Stubborn about always wanting to use command line tools over convenience. It just warms my heart. You can head to the INSTALL page on the [GitHub repo](https://github.com/brysonsteck/uirc/blob/master/INSTALL.rst) for uirc for more information on how to install it to your computer. Compatible with Linux, BSD, macOS, and Windows (WSL).
+Yes, the README of this project is satirical. The project is not.
diff --git a/content/projects/wiimmfi.md b/content/projects/wiimmfi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffe1d85
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+++ b/content/projects/wiimmfi.md
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+title: "Wiimmfi Watcher"
+date: 2022-12-02T11:11:13-07:00
+draft: true
+Wiimmfi Watcher is an unofficial Android app that displays online Mario Kart Wii room data by entering a friend code. Wiimmfi is a fan-made server that replaces the now defunct Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection ("Nintendo WFC" for short) and supports many popular Nintendo Wii and DS games, with the most popular being Mario Kart Wii. I am not offiliated with the Wiimmfi project nor it's developers. This app can be used in several different languages.
+Originally a school project, I saw a use for it in the real world since the Wiimmfi website doesn't have a mobile friendly view. This application is also my first piece of software released to the public and it remains special in my heart. It is available on the Google Play Store here, with it's source code available on GitHub under the GPL-3.0 license, for Android devices running KitKat 4.4 or newer.
+## ⚠️ DEPRECATED ⚠️
+Wiimmfi Watcher is no longer maintained for reasons beyond my control. Due to the Wiimmfi website implementing DDoS protection as a result of recent attacks on their servers since September 4th, 2021, Wiimmfi Watcher is unable to access Wiimmfi servers and all requests the app makes returns `HTML Error 503: Service Unavailable`.
+### Download
+You can visit the Google Play Store to [download](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=me.brysonsteck.wiimmfiwatcher) the most recent and stable version, or you can [clone the repository](https://github.com/brysonsteck/wiimmfi-watcher) if you would like to build it from scratch.