path: root/out
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-08-19trying to find why settings wont applyBryson Steck
2021-08-19compiled with different jdkBryson Steck
2021-08-19extracted instead?Bryson Steck
2021-08-19added gson to root in jarBryson Steck
2021-08-19forgot to fix directory for settings fileBryson Steck
2021-08-19added settings file sample, updated jarBryson Steck
2021-07-24added artifact readmeBryson Steck
2021-07-21removed constructer, spawn worksBryson Steck
2021-07-21delay teleport to spawnBryson Steck
2021-07-21set spawn to spawn on respawn spawn spawnBryson Steck
2021-07-21forgot to update resurrect commandBryson Steck
2021-07-21testing bed respawnBryson Steck
2021-07-21forgot a lineBryson Steck
2021-07-21fixed location grabberBryson Steck
2021-07-21fixed spawning below bedrockBryson Steck
2021-07-21testing spawn air testerBryson Steck
2021-07-19am i done?Bryson Steck
2021-07-04forgot to change filepath in main classBryson Steck
2021-07-04code cleanupBryson Steck
2021-07-04fixed time formattingBryson Steck
2021-07-04added howlong commandBryson Steck
2021-07-03removed production class filesBryson Steck
2021-06-16locked locationBryson Steck
2021-06-16resurrect command should remove deathBryson Steck
2021-06-16acutally fixed file locationBryson Steck
2021-06-16fixed file locationBryson Steck
2021-06-16implemented playerdataBryson Steck
2021-06-15finally figured out how to edit player data. now how to save it...Bryson Steck
2021-06-15restored normal timesBryson Steck
2021-06-15added a stilldead flagBryson Steck
2021-06-15too lazy to wait, doing shorter time testsBryson Steck
2021-06-15moved location getter to runnableBryson Steck
2021-06-15bedspawn no buenoBryson Steck
2021-06-15trying bedspawnBryson Steck
2021-06-15added sounds to resurrection eventBryson Steck
2021-06-15now testing full day resurrectionBryson Steck
2021-06-15replaced thread with runnableBryson Steck
2021-06-15does changing gamemodes work?Bryson Steck
2021-06-15removed potion calls in seperate threadBryson Steck
2021-06-15shortened death time to test resurrectionBryson Steck
2021-06-15added player dirBryson Steck
2021-06-15starting to test timerBryson Steck
2021-06-06trying bukkitrunnableBryson Steck
2021-06-06trying threadsBryson Steck
2021-06-06trying initializing firstBryson Steck
2021-06-06trying shortening ticksBryson Steck
2021-06-06removed plugin getter from mainBryson Steck
2021-06-06forgot to build jarBryson Steck
2021-06-06trying syncdelaytaskBryson Steck
2021-06-06does delay fix the problemBryson Steck