--- title: "Listen" description: "A simple automation tool for literally anything you use a shell for" icon: "listen.png" repo: "https://codeberg.org/brysonsteck/listen" license: "GNU General Public License v3.0 ONLY" languages: "Perl" wip: false current: true date: 2022-09-07T12:06:25-07:00 enddate: "January 2, 2006" draft: false --- A simple automation program written in Perl that runs shell command(s) when the specified file(s) are modified. ## Why Use Listen? * Don't switch between terminals and run that command every time! Let Listen do it for you. * Very useful for singular files or small projects. * For example, you can automatically compile a C++ file with `g++` anytime you make a change to that source file. * Same goes for simple Python scripts, Bash scripts, etc. * Great for students who work on a small set of source files for assignments. ## Other Features * Run the command when any or all files specified are modified. * Run the command before Listen starts waiting for modifications. * Runs out of the box! Perl is installed on any modern UNIX-like operating system. * Use `/bin/cksum` to determine file modification instead of the time it was written to. * Could be useful for binaries. * Also distributed with Unix-like OSes, such as Linux, BSD, and macOS. No configuration required between OSes. * However, if you use Windows (like a weirdo), you must use `certutils` or a third-party tool by modifying the script. * Timeout between modifications * Helpful if linters are involved, such as `clang-format`, to avoid multiple runs of a command. * Free and Open Source software!