# makefile for uirc # to configure install locations and compiler settings, see config.mk include config.mk SRC = uirc.c uirc: ${SRC} ${CC} -o uirc -O ${SRC} install: uirc mkdir -p ${PREFIX} cp -f uirc ${PREFIX} chmod 755 ${PREFIX}/uirc mkdir -p ${LIB_PREFIX}/uirc cp -f LICENSE ${LIB_PREFIX}/uirc uninstall: rm ${PREFIX}/uirc rm -r ${LIB_PREFIX}/uirc test -s ${INCLUDE_PREFIX}/uirc || rm -r ${INCLUDE_PREFIX}/uirc stb: @echo "It is best to download the stb library from your system's package manager." @echo "Press ENTER to manually install the stb headers needed. Otherwise, quit with ^C" @read mkdir -p ${INCLUDE_PREFIX}/stb wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nothings/stb/master/stb_image.h -P /usr/include/stb/stb_image.h .PHONY: uirc install stb