Installation ************* Instructions are available for the following operating systems: * `Linux/BSD <#linuxbsd>`_ * `Windows <#windows>`_ Linux/BSD ========== To install ``uirc``, you need to have the following items: * Git (obviously) * A C compiler (``uirc`` uses ``gcc`` by default, but you can change what compiler you use in the ` file `_.) * The cURL libraries * The ``stb`` libraries If you want to install all four at once, follow the instructions for your system below. Debian/Debian-based (Ubuntu, Pop!_OS, etc.) -------------------------------------- .. code:: bash $ sudo apt install git gcc libcurl3-gnutls libstb-dev $ git clone && cd uirc # build uirc with: $ make # or, if you want to install globally, use: $ sudo make install RHEL-based (Fedora, CentOS, etc.) ---------------------------------- .. code:: bash $ sudo dnf install git gcc libcurl-devel stb-devel $ git clone && cd uirc # build uirc with: $ make # or, if you want to install globally, use: $ sudo make install OpenSUSE --------- .. code:: bash $ sudo zypper install git gcc libcurl-devel stb-devel $ git clone && cd uirc # build uirc with: $ make # or, if you want to install globally, use: $ sudo make install Arch/Arch-based (Manjaro, EndeavourOS, etc.) --------------------------------------------- .. code:: bash # 'stb' is an AUR package and must be installed with an AUR helper, such as 'yay'. $ yay -S git gcc libcurl-gnutls stb $ git clone && cd uirc # build uirc with: $ make # or, if you want to install globally, use: $ sudo make install FreeBSD/OpenBSD ---------------- .. code:: bash $ doas pkg_add git curl wget $ git clone && cd uirc # in BSD, you must install the 'stb' library manually from GitHub. do this with: $ doas make stb To build ``uirc`` on BSD, you need to uncomment the OPTIONS line at the bottom of the ` `_ file. Additionally, if you would rather use ``cc`` instead of ``gcc``, you can change that in this file as well. Then, you can continue with the instructions. .. code:: bash # build uirc with: $ make # or, if you want to install globally, use: $ doas make install Other Linux/UNIX-based systems ------------------------------- If you fit this category, you probably know what you need to build ``uirc``. Windows ======== To build on Windows, you need to install a Linux distribution through WSL. This can be done with the following command in Command Prompt:: >wsl --install Once installed and you set up your user account, run ``sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`` and confirm to install the updates. Let it sit here, this might take a while. Once you have updated your WSL instance, read the `Linux <#linuxbsd>`_ section above, following instructions for your WSL distribution (if you followed this guide to install, you will be following instructions for Debian).