ServerCraft is a GUI program created with JavaFX in order to help technically-unskilled gamers host their own Minecraft servers for their friends by automatically downloading the correct version of Java and building the server with Spigot's BuildTools. This project is in it's early infancy, but is currently usable for those who just need a simple Minecraft server.
ServerCraft is available as binaries and installers, packaged with Java 17 and the ServerCraft jar, for Windows, Linux, and macOS [here]( Simply download the correct file for your operating system. (`.exe` or `.msi` for Windows, `.dmg` or `.pkg` for macOS, etc.) Jar files are also available for the respective operating systems as compressed archives. These Jar files are *not* cross-platform, due to how JavaFX renders the windows on each system.
You can also download the source code and compile it yourself. ServerCraft uses the Gradle build system and requires Java 11 or later due to JavaFX requirements. Instructions to do so are available on the project's repository hosted on Codeberg. (See top of page.)