The following applies to all files in this directory with the exception of `resurrection.png`, which is the image used for the plugin icon on the Spigot website.
This directory contains sample files for you to visualize what these files will/may contain. The plugin creates these files in the same directory as the Spigot server `plugins` directory.
Avoid touching these files while the plugin is enabled and avoid deleting or moving the files at any time after it's creation to prevent breaking the plugin.
The file contains two types of lines: comments and settings.
# Comments start the line with a '#'. Anything in the line will be ignored by Resurrection.
# Settings contain the name of the settings, a '=' and then it's value as shown below.
Currently, Resurrection looks for two settings:
* The time between death and respawn (known as "resurrection" in my docs) in milliseconds. Value must be a number (long to be specific). Default value is 24 hours/`86400000`.
* Displays debug messages for the command sender. Value must be a boolean (true/false). Default value is `false`.
If any settings are missing or have an invalid value, the plugin will shutdown and notify you of what needs to be changed.