Resurrection is a Spigot/Bukkit Minecraft Server\* plugin that forces players to wait a certain amount of time before rejoining the world. This allows for tactical planning for games such as faction survival and other PvP gamemodes as it can severely penalize an entire team if care is not taken.
Resurrection is intended to make players wait long amounts of time between death and respawn, preferably 24 hours minimum. Resurrection sets the time to be 24 hours by default. However, you can make players to wait any amount of time you wish, whether shorter or longer than the default 24 hours, but your experience with this plugin may be impacted.
This program automatically generates a [`playerData.resurrection`](data/playerData.resurrection) and a [`settings.resurrection`](data/settings.resurrection) file in the `plugins` directory of your server. These files contain data for each player relevant for the plugin and settings for the plugin. It is important for these files to be present (and **UNMODIFIED** in the case of the `playerData` file) to make sure that the respawn timing stays in effect after a server shutdown and for the proper functioning of the plugin in general. If these files are deleted, moved or do not exist, blank/default files will be created in it's place upon enabling.
***Please be aware that modifying, moving or deleting this file after it's creation or while the plugin is enabled may cause the plugin to behave erratically,*** such as holding a player in a dead state for all of time and eternity (assuming you don't use commands to revert it or you delete the world). If you choose to do so, do it at your own risk.
If you have encountered a bug, would like to suggest new features or simply provide feedback, I'd highly recommend you use GitHub issues in order to do so. However, I am aware that people visit this site and are so uncultured that they don't know what they are looking at (jk i love all of you). In that case, I created this [Google Form]( as a secondary option to submit issues if you wish.
If you choose to submit your report via Google Forms, just know that you don't have as much flexibility with reporting things as you would here using GitHub issues. Also know that all reports from the Google Form are posted and tracked through GitHub issues regardless.
All files in this repository are subject to copyright under the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3. To read the full license, click [here.](LICENSE)
\* Spigot/Bukkit Minecraft Servers refer to vanilla Spigot or Bukkit servers, meaning you built the server yourself using `BuildTools` (using no other settings) or downloading it through their official website. Resurrection is **NOT GUARANTEED** to run on any fork of Spigot or Bukkit servers, such as Tuinity or Paper. Issues involving these forks may not be provided a solution.